Once more unto the breach This last quarter has seen some scary breaches affecting both Australian iconic brands, like the…

Mimecast Limited has announced Rapid7 has joined the Cyber Alliance Program with the availability of Mimecast for InsightConnect, Rapid7’s Security…

New services will see expansion in Macquarie’s graduate program to develop vital homegrown security skills Macquarie Government, part of ASX-listed…

We are pleased to announce the release of the draft National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP)…

NIST invites comments on Draft Special Publication (SP) 800-207, Zero Trust Architecture, which discusses the core logical components that make…

Emergence can provide up to $10 million capacity on a primary basis through its online portal, but many companies seek…

The Federal Minister for Industry, Science and Technology, the Hon Karen Andrews MP, and ACT Minister for Advanced Technology and…

NIST has announced a publication of the draft National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 1800-24: Securing Picture…

NIST’s National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) has released Draft NIST Special Publication (SP) 1800-24, Securing Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS):…

RedShield, a world-leading web application and API protection company, has raised $14m of capital funding from lead investor Pencarrow (a…