AustCyber’s Canberra Cyber Security Innovation Node opened


The Federal Minister for Industry, Science and Technology, the Hon Karen Andrews MP, and ACT Minister for Advanced Technology and Space Industries, Mick Gentleman MLA, have jointly launched AustCyber’s Canberra Cyber Security Innovation Node.


The Canberra Cyber Security Innovation Node (the Canberra Node) is a part of AustCyber’s National Network of Nodes, which fosters and accelerates cyber capability development, innovation and commercialisation across Australia.

Linda Cavanagh, Canberra Cyber Security Innovation Node Manager, said “ACT Government’s partnership with AustCyber is an important step in the advancement of the cyber security industry in the ACT in many ways. The Node is growing and creating jobs while strengthening Canberra’s knowledge economy – particularly around cyber security in the space, defence and education sectors.”

“The establishment of the Canberra Node is also an acknowledgement by ACT Government that to support cyber security innovation and growth, it needs to do business differently. The Canberra Node can test and challenge more readily, has more flexibility in developing capability, but more importantly, it can harness opportunities and partner with stakeholders to deliver results quickly. It leverages AustCyber’s brand and expertise from across AustCyber’s National Network of Nodes to help ACT-based cyber companies grow nationally and internationally.

“The Canberra narrative is changing on many levels and the cyber security sector has had an impact on this. The work of the Canberra Node has supported the growth, education and export of the Canberra region cyber security industry.”

The Node is a partnership between AustCyber and ACT Government.
