Overview Synopsys Cybersecurity Research Center (CyRC) researchers have discovered CVE-2020-27223, a denial of service vulnerability in Eclipse Jetty, a widely…

GS1 Australia and KPMG Australia have published a Thought Leadership report, Unlocking the Value of Tomorrow’s Retail, highlighting the importance…

OpenText™ EnCase Endpoint Security is now certified on Microsoft Azure. With OpenText EnCase Endpoint Security on Azure, security teams can: Identify…

Jane Lo, Singapore Correspondent speaks with Tommaso Gagliardoni, PhD, an Italian cryptographer, mathematician, and quantum security researcher.

SailPoint has announced additional extensibility functionality to its platform. This allows identity security decisions and workflows that fit within the…

Device as a Service (DaaS) provider, ThingsAt, has appointed Ruy Franco, as CEO. ThingsAt Chairman Mark Franklin said the business…

The total fixed communications services revenue in Australia is expected to increase at a sluggish compound annual growth rate (CAGR)…

Australia’s largest listed cybersecurity company, Tesserent Limited (ASX:TNT) has released its half yearly report with turnover increasing by 500% on last…

The 2021 World Economic Forum’s 16th edition of the Global Risks Report 2021, identifies critical global risks facing the world. We speak with Algirde Pipikaite, Lead, Strategic Initiatives, Centre for Cybersecurity, World Economic Forum.

Palo Alto Networks has unveiled NextWave 3.0, with a set of enhancements, incentives and training to its NextWave Partner Program.…