Why Study Cybersecurity?


Individuals and organisations must protect themselves from vicious online attacks which threaten the privacy and information within devices.

If these attacks are ignored and not dealt with it can have detrimental effects on businesses and can cost a lot of money to fix.

Cybersecurity provides many job opportunities within different avenues including security engineering, network analyst and infosec officers, to name a few. The opportunities are endless.

This industry is important for the overall safety of private information and having a job in this field can be very rewarding.  Jobs in this industry can help defend private information, also allowing for personal growth in the field through the experience of potential threats, new and old.

What is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is the way we protect devices such as smartphones, tablets and computers from cyber-attacks.

Types of cyber-attacks include:

  • Malware attacks occur when you download suspicious attachments online.
  • Phishing attacks occurring when a hacker sends fake emails or messages to steal malware or steal data such as credit card information.
  • Man in the middle attacks occur when the hacker gets access to information between the device and the website’s server and takes over the IP address. This commonly occurs with insecure Wi-Fi networks.
  • Password attacks occur when a hacker gains access to a password either through a common password or trying combinations.

Learning to be cyber-safe is an important step in being a consumer of these devices as the increase in attacks is growing globally. Installing a firewall is one way individuals can protect themselves from being hacked.

Why study Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is important in our contemporary society. With the number of people obtaining digital devices comes an increase in the number of devices that are at risk. Cyber-attacks affect individuals and organisations worldwide.

Here are the main reasons you should study cybersecurity in 2021

  • There are millions of job opportunities worldwide
  • The salary starts at AU$70,000 for entry-level jobs
  • There are a variety of jobs available which allow you to choose an area you are interested in
  • You can have growth in your career with an everchanging industry
  • Having a job in cybersecurity means there are plenty of jobs worldwide, allowing you to travel to other countries
  • This can be a very rewarding job as you can help others as well as develop your personal growth.

Job opportunities

Cybersecurity is a growing industry. This means that there is an increasing number of jobs worldwide. It is becoming necessary for many businesses to hire a cybersecurity expert to ensure the safety of their private information

Privacy is important in maintaining a trustworthy business as clients want to know their information is secure. Clients are more likely to go elsewhere if they know their private information is at risk.

Studying cybersecurity allows for several job opportunities. Jobs in cybersecurity have excellent employment opportunities and salaries. It is estimated there are 3.5 million job opportunities in cybersecurity worldwide. The number of jobs has grown by 350 per cent with only 1 million jobs available in 2014.

Organisations and individuals are becoming more aware of the importance of cybersecurity through many recent threats to the safety of information in the media. The growing number of devices in a technology-reliant world means there is more room for hackers to find a fragility and take advantage of it.

Money, money, money

The number of jobs available in this industry and the growing need for cybersecurity experts are not the only reason this industry has money. The salaries are also quite generous. They start from approximately AU$70,000 with an average of around AU$97,000.

Salaries depend on the specialisation that you choose. Assistant vice presidents, director of cybersecurity, and chief technology officers are amongst the highest paying at approximately AU$200,000.

Many governments are also putting money into this industry as it is becoming a more important role in maintaining privacy online. Governments themselves as well as other large organisations are the most at risk for cyber-attacks.

Businesses have to take cyber-attacks seriously. Larger companies that store the private information of their clients have a role in making sure that information is secure. Hiring a professional and training staff is key to maintaining security.

Due to the necessity of skilled experts in the field, there is a shortage of talent. The high salaries are seen to attract people to these jobs which are in demand.

Wide variety of options

There are endless job specifications after studying for a degree in cybersecurity. Other degrees such as computer science and information technology also allow you to have the opportunity to get jobs in this area of expertise. This allows you to choose the area you are most interested in.

Jobs range from analysts to directors.  Graduate-level jobs are most likely to be analysts or consultants. Just like many other career paths, these jobs help you to grow and develop your skills in the field which allow you to be qualified in applying for other advancing jobs.

Growth and development in your career

Much like other jobs, growth and development in a cybersecurity career is an aspiration for most people. Luckily having a job in this field makes that quite achievable.  Having a job in cybersecurity foresees plenty of growth.

Cybersecurity is a fast-paced and ever-changing career which means you will need to be able to adapt to situations. Technology is constantly changing and evolving and having a job that works alongside technology will need to do the same.

The nature of this job allows you to be able to grow and develop your skills which means you will constantly be learning as you further your career. This enables you to work your way up in the field and find new pathways you enjoy.


There are thousands of jobs in the industry worldwide. This allows you to be able to travel. The prospects of travelling while having a career in cybersecurity are quite high. Jobs in the industry are in high demand therefore if you would like to travel with work, then this career might be a great option for you.

Moving to other countries provides life experience, allowing you to have the freedom to explore the world while having a stable job and income. Travelling helps you to grow as a person and will also give you experience in your profession.

Helping others in this career can lead it to be a very rewarding job

Jobs can include research as well as teaching others how to be safe online. You may also be taught throughout your degree how to be an ethical hacker. Learning how to defend systems from malicious attacks is a very important role, and you might also have the added satisfaction of catching the bad guys.

If you are helping track down a hacker and you defend the data, well you have done your job. Being the hero can be very rewarding and helping others is just as satisfying. If you can do the job you are interested in and help others it can be both fulfilling and rewarding at the same time.

How to study cybersecurity?


You can study short courses online that give you the basic knowledge of cybersecurity you will need. Online degrees either at physical universities or online-based universities will give you the qualification that you need heading into the workforce. Universities offer undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in cybersecurity online as well as Masters degrees

Studying online is a completely different experience from studying on campus. However, there are benefits of studying online. You can study remotely if you live further out of the city and don’t want to live on campus. It’s also more flexible if you have a busy schedule, online university can be a more time-friendly way of studying.

Some courses include:


Studying on campus at university is an experience in itself. It allows you to study what you are interested in which connects you with people who have similar interests. You are able to combine studying with your social life which can help to integrate you into the workforce once you graduate.

There are a number of universities that offer these courses worldwide, so finding one shouldn’t be too difficult a task. However, I have linked a couple below to get you started.

If you liked what you read, share this post, and you can read similar articles at Australian Cyber Security Magazine. We have weekly YouTube videos and live streams with professionals in the industry at MySecTV for more.

For more short courses, visit learnsecurity.co.
