Why do MSSPs struggle, even in the cyber boom?


Being longer in the tooth can be useful if you remember the lessons you learned and can apply the principles to new problem domains.

We know experience is what you get just after you needed it and like jumping from a plane without a parachute, you don’t often get a chance to go back and try it again.

When at University my Economics lecturer spent many hours describing economic theories that all made sense at the time. He had us leaning forward hanging on to his every word, until nearing the end of the lecture he would reveal case-studies that at some time and at some place saw progressive economists and politicians put these theories in to practice, to eventually be dispelled as complete bunkum.

This was usually followed by coups, wars, depressions, or worse still, the emergence of actors and egoists who rose up, as citizens shifted their hopes from pursuing the literati, to courting the glitterati.

They once called it ‘dismal science’ because every theory appeared to lead to a grim future, but there is a lot to learn and apply to the field of information security.

Having been part of the early Managed Security Service Provider movement of the late nineties, many years before this information security lark attained the ‘cyber security‘ label, my cohort had a dream to find a way to provide detection and response services at the scale and unit cost to make them accessible to all and save us from the scourge of OSHI*.

(Organised criminals, State actors, Hacktivists, Insiders… and today with the raised concern for Terrorism, it may be time for a new acronym*)…Click here to read full article.


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