Secolve and LMNTRIX partner to combat OT attacks


Secolve has expanded its capacity to protect Australian businesses’ OT networks against malicious cyber activity, today announcing a new partnership with LMNTRIX.

The partnership will enable Secolve to offer clients an around-the-clock-managed OT security platform, powered by the LMNTRIX XDR and cutting-edge Active Defence tech stack, comprising proprietary technologies that can be tailored to suit organisation’s individual needs.

Secolve CEO said the announcement would further enhance Secolve’s position as the country’s leading OT specialist, bringing together a suite of defensive and offensive technologies to manage the growing number of threats to networks’ critical industrial control systems.

“Laith Shahin, Secolve “

“The partnership with LMNTRIX is a significant boost for businesses seeking to strengthen their security environment, enabling Secolve to offer clients complete protection, from threat detection and immediate response to implementing protective measures to prevent costly and potentially dangerous system shutdowns,” Mr Shahin said.

Secolve’s security platform is fully managed, using LMNTRIX’s unique technology stack to help OT teams detect, manage, respond, remediate and contain attacks on their OT systems 24 hours a day.

“Many organisations operate with a set and forget mentality when it comes to cybersecurity. But in many cases, the hackers have already breached their defences, so threat hunting, both internal and external, must be continuous,” Mr Shahin said.

“Secolve works from an assumption that systems are already compromised and therefore require ongoing monitoring and remediation. The outcomes we deliver clients are validated breaches that are investigated, contained and remediated.

“Unfortunately, security teams are bombarded with so many alerts that they develop alert fatigue and end up ignoring valid threats. Secolve’s platform uses a combination of sensors, behavioural monitoring and machine learning, with our expert analytical oversight to proactively detect and block threats.”

The agreement is the first Australian OT-focused partnership for LMNTRIX, whose founder, Carlo Minassian, sold his security services business Earthwave to Dimension Data in 2013. “I see a lot of synergies between LMNTRIX and Secolve,” Mr Minassian said.
