Report to the President: Growing and Sustaining the Cybersecurity Workforce


The Department of Commerce and Department of Homeland Security Secretaries publicly released their report to the President, Supporting the Growth and Sustainment of the Nation’s Cybersecurity Workforce. This report was released among several other reports in response to Executive Order 13800: Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure. In part, the order states that it is the policy of the United States “to support the growth and sustainment of a workforce that is skilled in cybersecurity and related fields as the foundation for achieving our objectives in cyberspace.”  Consequently, the Secretary of Commerce and Secretary of Homeland Security are directed to:

  1. “assess the scope and sufficiency of efforts to educate and train the American cybersecurity workforce of the future, including cybersecurity-related education curricula, training, and apprenticeship programs, from primary through higher education”; and,
  2. “provide a report to the President with findings and recommendations regarding how to support the growth and sustainment of the Nation’s cybersecurity workforce in both the public and private sectors.”

The newly released report provides a response to Executive Order 13800 as well as addresses the need for immediate and sustained improvements in its cybersecurity workforce situation. Read the full report and more at


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