Today we’re joined by Cybersecurity Advisors Network (CyAN) International Vice President and Zero Day Legislative Project leader, Peter Coroneos.
CyAN is a Paris-based global not-for-profit association representing cybersecurity professionals in 22 countries. They have announced the formation of a global partnership to secure legal protections for good faith (bona fide) zero day researchers.
READ MORE: https://cyberriskleaders.com/global-c…
The OECD* recognised the need for action in their 2021 guidance for policy makers observing: In many countries, researchers face significant legal risk when reporting vulnerabilities to vulnerability owners. Vulnerability owners can threaten researchers with legal proceedings instead of welcoming their vulnerability reports. This legal risk, aggravated when stakeholders are located across borders, creates powerful disincentives [for responsible disclosure]. * Source: https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserv…
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