Breaking into a building, accessing the hidden world of a rogue intruder, and other “war stories” were shared at the third edition of the Cyber Risk Meetup held on 1st November, 2018 at JustCo in the heart of Singapore’s Central Business District. Co-organized with ICE71, the region’s first cybersecurity entrepreneur hub founded by Singtel Innov8 (corporate venture capital unit of Singtel), and NUS (National University of Singapore), the sell-out event of security practitioners and enthusiasts networked and shared best practices, thoughts and experiences on defending against the rapidly growing cybersecurity risks in the region.
Keynoting the event was lessons learned from Red Teaming exercises. As opposed to traditional assessments such as Penetration Testing, which may be scoped to focus only on technical risk. Red teaming assesses the organisation’s business risk and its ability to detect and respond to incidents
Privasec’s Chief Offensive Officer, and leader of the Red Team Karan Khosla, revealed two real-life case studies and the role social engineering played in gaining unauthorised access to buildings and secured areas.
Most non-practitioners may over-estimate the effort and time spent on the actual attack phase, but in fact, he said, “most of the cases, reconnaissance takes up the 90% of time”…Click here to read full article.