39% Australian Companies Adopting Multi-Cloud Tech


Checkmarx has announced that it now offers the Checkmarx AST Platform in the region.

“We are beginning to see clients in Australia migrate rapidly to the cloud, and Checkmarx anticipates growing demand for our end-to-end AppSec platform for cloud-native application security,” said Mark Priebatsch, Regional Director Australia and New Zealand at Checkmarx. “We’re committed to the A/NZ region and look forward to helping organisations implement comprehensive application security for years to come.”

Research has shown that adoption of multi-cloud technologies by Australian companies is already at 39 percent, higher than the global average of 36 percent, and is predicted to grow even more to 66 percent this year.

The Checkmarx AST Platform is delivered from the cloud and designed to support on-premises, cloud, and hybrid development environments. The platform improves code security throughout the software development life cycle and ensures your software remains secure from a developer’s first code commit through the push to production.

Integrated main solutions today include:

  • Checkmarx SAST, which automatically scans at the source code level for vulnerabilities early in the development life cycle, providing essential guidance and context to help developers and engineers resolve vulnerabilities.
  • Checkmarx SCA, a software composition analysis solution designed to help development teams manage open source vulnerability and licence risk.
  • Checkmarx Codebashing, a flexible, focused, gamified training platform to teach developers how to code more securely.
  • KICS by Checkmarx, a scalable, open-source solution that automatically parses common IaC files of any type to detect insecure configurations that could expose applications, data or services to attack.

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