Secure Code Warrior expands coding platform


Secure Code Warrior has released a new learning feature to its platform. Designed for developers, engineering leads and software security professionals, Courses helps organisations increase efficiency and productivity within their development teams by offering framework-specific interactive coding challenges that prevent recurring vulnerabilities from infiltrating their software development lifecycle. It means developers can write secure code from the start, and maximise their software release velocity.

Pieter Danhieux, co-founder and CEO at Secure Code Warrior said, “I firmly believe that quality code must be secure code. Recurring software vulnerabilities continue to be the bane of the software industry as organisations struggle to manage the sheer volume of them. Courses enables organisations to focus their developer’s learning on what matters most, reducing rework and code remediation.” 

Each learning module within Courses allow developers to locate, identify and fix security vulnerabilities across more than 20 different programming languages including C#, Java EE, Python, JavaScript, Kotlin and Swift. Additional languages such as Docker and Kubernetes will be available in future releases.

Courses also empowers organisations to achieve and maintain compliance standards, such as PCI-DSS and NIST, by providing developer-specific training and detailed audit trails. Engineering leads and software security professionals have the option to configure Courses to accelerate secure coding skills across their organisations, and report on progress and completion.

“We’ve all experienced some form of boring learning in the past and while it’s important, compliance training rarely gets people jumping for joy. By engaging teams in role-specific, gamified activities and challenges, Courses helps alleviate the feeling of death-by-powerpoint, and helps businesses to foster positive security posture while reducing recurring vulnerabilities,” said Danhieux.

Customers who have experienced Courses so far, shared really positive feedback around the flexibility it offers and its ability to shape content that provides a more organised, structured and targeted approach to learning how to code securely. One particular customer shared that all developers successfully passed company assessment requirements after completing assigned modules in Courses.”  

Courses will be offered as part of Secure Code Warrior’s standard feature set and is available from today.
