Be wary of calls, emails or SMS claiming to be from an Australian government agency that ask you to urgently update personal information, claim a refund or make a payment. This could be a scam.
Government impersonation scams are increasingly common, and can be delivered by phone, email or SMS. Callers may threaten to cancel your services or detain you if you don’t make payments or provide personal details.
Emails and SMS might ask you to click on links to receive a refund, submit tax information or view correspondence. These scams can appear trustworthy, with government logos and genuine contact details to trick you into believing they are real.
Common impersonations include MyGov, the Australian Tax Office (ATO), the Department of Home Affairs, or the ACMA.
If you receive a call or message claiming to be from the Australian government requesting personal information, offering a refund or asking you to make an urgent payment, visit their website or contact them on their publicly listed number to validate the request.
Do not rely on the contact information provided by callers or in emails and SMS.
Do not provide your personal information or make payments to callers over the phone.
Do not click on any links in emails or SMS. These may be phishing scams designed to steal your personal or financial details.
Scammers target everyone. Australians are being encouraged to discuss how to identify scams with friends and family.
Learn more about how to protect yourself and those close to you on the ACMA website and make a report to Scamwatch.