Phronesis on Point with Pinky Appointment


Phronesis Security has appointed Eric “Pinky” Pinkerton as their new cyber security consultant and Director of NSW. With over three decades of experience in IT, Networking, Security Architecture and Network Security/Operations, Eric will be based in Sydney with a remit to build specialist teams and be the company’s “Problem Solver in Chief”.

Eric has provided information security advisory services for diverse industries such as state and federal Australian Government departments, critical infrastructure providers, private and public healthcare institutions, banking and finance, and the telecommunications and media sector. Throughout his career, he has delivered countless security consulting engagements, such as digital security and SOC uplift strategies for large state and federal government departments and provided countless incident response and crisis management simulation exercises, including how to respond following ransomware attacks.

Most recently, Eric has specialised in running tailored tabletop exercises to stress-test and uplift executive crisis management teams and their supporting systems and processes. He is also an active speaker on the cyber security circuit, having presented on various topics at several high-profile events, including the AISA Cybercon and many AusCert Conferences.

“We are thrilled to welcome Eric to our team at Phronesis Security,” said Elliot Dellys, Chief Realist (CEO) of Phronesis Security. “His wealth of experience in all cyber security arenas, from the SOC to the board room, will be invaluable in delivering exceptional cyber security solutions that are highly tailored to our clients’ business context.”

“He is extremely well-known in the industry and comes to us with a stellar track record of success. We are very much looking forward to Eric identifying opportunities for Phronesis and relying on his expertise to help our growing network of clients.”

Phronesis Security Chief Realist (CEO) Elliot Dellys and Chief Optimist (CTO) Daniel Hood

Eric Pinkerton said: “I have known and respected both Dan and Elliot for a long time, so the opportunity to work with them again in the fast-paced agile dynamic of a rapidly growing startup feels a lot like coming home. My passion has always been about helping clients solve wicked problems in innovative ways, and Phronesis is the perfect vehicle for me to do that.”
