The Department of Home Affairs and the Health Sector Information Sharing and Analysis Centre (ISAC) Acceleration Grants Program will deliver a grant of up to AUD6.423 million over three years to establish an ISAC to support industry-to-industry threat intelligence sharing in the health sector.
ISACs provide an intelligence-sharing platform where participants interact and share information regarding cyber threats on their gateways and networks. The health sector and its suppliers hold highly-sensitive and personal data about the health and well-being of Australians. As the health industry sector continues its digital transformation, the sector must be able to respond to cyber threats as they arise.
The objectives of the program are to
- Establish a new ISAC or upscale the operations of an existing ISAC to facilitate ongoing industry-to-industry threat intelligence sharing within the health sector;
- Improve capabilities with participating member organisations both to prevent, through emphasising hardening and resilience, and respond to cyber threats;
- Establish an intelligence-sharing forum where participants interact and share information regarding cyber threats;
- Drive benefit from, and provide benefit to, the National Cyber Threat Picture by ensuring any technical, machine speed threat intelligence sharing is compatible with the national cyber threat intelligence platform, Australian Signals Directorate’s Cyber Threat Intelligence Sharing (ASD CTIS); and
- Establish and maintain relationships with existing threat intelligence sharing forums to enable the sharing of meaningful threat intelligence to the healthcare ecosystem.
The intended outcomes of the program are to;
- Improved collaboration, information sharing, cyber threat capabilities and good cyber practices within the health sector;
- Alternative mechanisms for industry to share cyber threat intelligence between industry partners, sectors and government; and
- Establishment of an ISAC that is self-sustaining at the conclusion of the grant funding period.