Four-hour training sessions the most time efficient way for Australian technology professionals to get ahead

  • The need for employees to continuously evolve with technology is fundamental to growing their careers
  • New research reveals that Australia’s technology sector is predicted to grow to 1.1 million workers by 2026
  • As the technology sector grows, the need for upskilling amongst professionals is more important than ever
  • Koenig Solutions is encouraging Australians to consider expanding their credentials by up-skilling with a short four-hour course

Traditionally, an MBA is seen as the gold standard to develop your career and rise above the ranks and peers. However, while an MBA will give you the sound knowledge of business, it lacks the practical skills necessary to perform at a technical level.

Of the 805,525 Australians working in the tech industry, an MBA might not be the right fit and therefore not the right education goal but having the correct education and credentials are more important than ever.1

Seeking out training opportunities and preparing yourself for your next career step is now likely to be more focused on what technical certification you hold and less about that MBA.

However, between managing our jobs and our lives, it’s increasingly difficult to find the time to train and adopt new skills. Yet, as technology is constantly evolving it is highly important that those in tech continue to develop their skillset to remain relevant and in-demand.

A new range of training options is now available that enables technologists to upskill and stay relevant and on-track with the changes within the tech industry. Four-hour training sessions offered by Koenig Solutions allow training from anywhere at any time and provide access to the latest training materials.

Four-hour training sessions are such an attractive prospect for upskilling as they offer better work/life flexibility. The sessions are set in a realistic timeframe and are easily digestible in between full-time work. Unlike an MBA, four-hour training sessions don’t require study at night or for employees to take extended time off.

 Australia’s Digital Pulse Report 2021, highlights the increased need for technology workers as the industry is predicted to grow to 1.1 million in the next 5 years.[1] ICT management and operations are predicted to grow by 4.7%, while ICT technical and professional jobs are predicted to grow 6.5% by 2026.1

Aditya Girish, IT training specialist from Koenig Solutions said, “Training programs should be offered in ways that are work-life balance friendly and require staff to study smarter not harder so they can fit within our busy lives.”

“Koenig Solutions offers four-hour sessions to suit the need of the modern, time pressed professional with four-hour informative training programs,” said Girish. “The feedback we receive from students is increasingly showing that they value these short form courses. Particularly as they can be easily slotted into a day, and they get immediate benefit that can be applied to their area of work.”


McDonald Obi works in engineering and construction and has previously completed the four-hour course on Querying Data with Transact SQL. While Obi had previously completed post-university courses, he found that the four-hour course provided the right structure and right-pace to get just what he needed.

“The four-hour training course helped to balance my work and life schedule perfectly and allowed me more time before and after the session to digest the information properly. I had adequate mental rest between each session and felt refreshed enough to be able to continue the next day.”

“I noticed a huge difference in my productivity as I wasn’t lethargic like I had been in previous courses. The courses didn’t have the feeling of having an enormous amount of information thrown in, all at once. The instructor was experienced, knowledgeable and presented in a clear and effective manner.”

It is clear that the skills required by professionals in Australia’s technology sector will continue to evolve as technology does. For employees to continue their career in an upward trajectory, upskilling is a necessity to work at an optimum level and to be ahead of the rest. Four-hour training sessions are the best way to incorporate upskilling into the busy lifestyle of modern-day professionals.

About Koenig Solutions

Established in 1993, Koenig is one of the leading IT training organizations in the world. Driven by its unique USPs, Koenig is spurring competition, meeting the unmet needs of customers, creating new jobs, and supplementing talent pools with its presence in the USA, Canada, UK, Dubai, India, Singapore, and Australia. This is consistent with their vision to create a more just and prosperous world through education.
