Two time, cybersecurity author and founder of Cyber Risk Meetup, Shamane Tan proudly launched her latest book in Sydney this week. Cyber Mayday and the Day After, co-authored with the former CSO with the State of Michigan, Dan Lohrmann, provides an important roadmap for C-level executives in preparing and responding to dramatic cybersecurity emergencies.
Held at the Hilton Hotel and supported by publisher Wiley, Recorded Future, Cyber Risk Meetup and MySecurity Media, Shamane provided an important background to her first book, Cyber Risk Leaders and how it lead her to her latest ‘chapter’ in her cybersecurity journey. Shamane continues to gather and encapsulate valuable
insights from around the world, from former FBI agents to Chief Information Security Officers, and other leaders who have led their companies and agencies through the worst of times and prepared to share their hands-on wisdom.
Allan Liska, a ransomware specialist provided an entertaining insight into several ransomware case studies and was then joined by a panel of CISOs from Tyro Payments, Sekuro and Optus. Brad Busch, Prashant Haldankar and Dr. Siva Sivasubramaniam, with Allan outlined a number of recommendations, personal experiences and challenges in providing enterprise Cyber-Crisis readiness and leadership programs.
The event concluded with a book signing and networking lunch.
Available in Australia at local bookstores Dymocks & Kinokuniya, Cyber Mayday and the Day After, published by Wiley, is a must-read experience that offers managers, executives, and other current or aspiring leaders a first-hand look at how to lead others through rapidly evolving crises.