Cloudflare Completes IRAP Assessment at PROTECTED Level


Cloud company Cloudflare has successfully completed its InfoSec Registered Assessors Program (IRAP) assessment at the PROTECTED level. This results in the company complying with Australian Government security standards, enabling Cloudflare to provide connectivity, cybersecurity, and developer services to government agencies in Australia.

“Completing the IRAP assessment is a crucial step in our focus on protecting critical infrastructure and safeguarding sensitive data across the Australian public sector,” said Cloudflare’s Steve Bray. “Australian Government agencies now can upgrade their cyber and digital platforms with the same cutting-edge and automation-driven infrastructure that empowers our digital-native customers to innovate rapidly, securely, and with efficiency at scale at the PROTECTED level.”

“Through Cloudflare’s connectivity cloud, a unified platform that integrates all of our products, we can provide compliant, seamless, and secure solutions across the Australian public sector, utilities, and critical infrastructure agencies, regardless of the complexity of their needs,” he added.

Australian Government agencies already use Cloudflare to protect their websites and infrastructure from distributed denial of service and other cyberattacks, securely connect staff to corporate systems and the Internet, and to accelerate digital delivery.

Cloudflare also continues to advance public sector security worldwide, with work underway to achieve a FedRAMP High authorization “in process” status in the United States, as well as a certification from Esquema Nacional de Seguridad (ENS) in Spain.
