Secure Logic has launched a Cyber Threat Platform. The platform continuously collects security data across the network, and uses AI…
Kaspersky Lab experts have helped to identify and patch seven previously unknown vulnerabilities in ThingsPro Suite – a software platform…
Given the uncertainty about the right to sue for breach of privacy in Australia, I did not expect to see…
Why are we consistently reading about businesses, educational institutions, government agencies and non-profit organisations falling victim to malware attacks, despite…
Following recent media speculation on the Parliament’s consideration of the proposed Encryption Bill, the Chair, Mr Andrew Hastie MP, and…
NIST invites public comments on a second draft of Special Publication (SP) 800-57 Part 2 Rev. 1, Recommendation for Key…
One and a half years after its epidemic, WannaCry ransomware tops the list of the most widespread cryptor families and…
Demand for increased protection where IT meets OT drives decision to form new company Trend Micro and Moxa have announced they…
COBIT 2019 adds focus areas, reintroduces a maturity model and features a design guide to simplify implementation ISACA has released its…
World Economic Forum to support initiative for open, secure, stable, accessible and peaceful cyberspace Initiative is supported by EU member…