The Department of Commerce and Department of Homeland Security Secretaries publicly released their report to the President, Supporting the Growth and…

News facts: Fujitsu Protected Cloud SaaS solution aimed at government agencies to enable digital transformation in a trusted and secure…

NIST is releasing a draft white paper, A Data Structure for Integrity Protection with Erasure Capability, for public comment. It…

INTRO For several months, Talos has been working with public- and private-sector threat intelligence partners and law enforcement in researching…

Early in 2018, Proofpoint researchers observed a rise in so-called “cryptocurrency giveaway scams.” The scams often target users of Ethereum…

Leveraging Cutting-edge, Flexible Technology Solutions from Mellanox and Cumulus Networks, Vault Systems Offers Government Unparalleled Cloud Network Performance Mellanox Technologies,…

ISACA research identifies GDPR compliance barriers, benefits The GDPR compliance deadline looms few days away, but only 29 per cent…

Webroot Report Reveals Businesses in Australia, the United States, and the United Kingdom, are Not Yet Paying Attention to Citizens’…

NIST has published Special Publication (SP) 800-202, Quick Start Guide for Populating Mobile Test Devices which is meant to be…

NIST has just released Draft NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-37 Revision 2, Risk Management Framework for Information Systems and Organizations:…