BSides Perth 2018 Draws Close


Book now before this year’s bigger and better BSides Perth conference sells out

BSides Perth 2018 is drawing near and the organisers are excited to welcome you to UWA’s prestigious Business School on the weekend of the 15th and 16th September for two days of deep dive cyber security discussions. In true and traditional BSides style, you won’t have to suffer vendor sales pitches or deal with the cyber elite. BSides is run by the security community for the security community and retains a keen focus on getting the most value for participants. Along with the star-studded line up and fantastic talks and demonstrations from some of the most well-known faces in security, you’ll also can mingle with your peers and meet new friends as the BSides community in Perth doubles in size from last year. This year we have some special guests flying in from the US, New Zealand, Indonesia and all-over Australia especially for our conference. Tickets are just $50 and we’ve got loads of great swag for attendees, where the sponsors have pulled out all the stops and provided top quality clothing, toolkits, technology, and our much anticipated badges have been redesigned from the ground up and look better than ever. Like last year, there is a prize for the best badge hack, so get your thinking caps on and your laptops charged up for a weekend of hacking, networking and infosec.

Some of the highlights include:

John McClurg

McClurg was one of the FBI’s first Cyber Warriors and is now VP and ambassador-at-large of Cylance. He’s focused on using AI to make the internet a safer place

Dr Jodie Siganto

Jodie is lawyer who accidently strayed into security about 18 years ago and never been able to get out. Fascinated by what happens at the interface between humans and technology, particularly in the security and data privacy realm. Intrigued by what shapes security practice and our failure to change.

Dr Silvio Cesare

Dr Silvio Cesare (@silviocesare) is the Director of Education and Training for Cyber Security at UNSW Canberra @ ADFA. He is also the co-organizer of BSides Canberra, CSides, and InfoSect (


How to Land a job in InfoSec by Ricki Burke

Ricki is the Director and Founder of CyberSec People and partners with organisations around ANZ to hire infosec (Cyber Security) professionals. He is embedded in the security community, is active at cons and Meetups and built many friendships along the way. With a passion for supporting people to break into security, he has helped many land their first job in the industry.

Spots for this workshop are almost gone so get in quick, head to to find the link to registration.

For more information on the schedule, check out or if you have heard enough and want to make sure you get a ticket, head over to and secure your place right away.

The BSides Perth Team.
