MEF SDN/NFV certification is the first certification for SDN and NFV built to international standards; five MEF training providers are…

In this episode Chris Cubbage interviews Greg Fitzgerald, Chief Marketing Officer of JASK. Chris and Greg talk artificial intelligence, cloud,…

Prevalence of Cryptomining Malware Jumped to 28%, Impacting a Quarter of ANZ Organisations Jon McGettigan, Fortinet’s regional director for ANZ…

Promotion Extends Barracuda’s Position in Cloud Security and Data Protection in Asia Pacific Barracuda Networks has announced the appointment of…

In this interview, Chris Cubbage talks to Nigel Thompson, Vice President of Product Design at BlackBerry, and Darren Michael, Chief…

As the line between adware and spyware becomes increasingly blurry, opportunities for theft continue to flourish. Bitdefender has launched a…

Simkins to spearhead company’s continued growth in the government sector and expand portfolio of services in Australia Vault has announced the…

NIST is publishing Special Publication (SP) 800-171A, Assessing Security Requirements for Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). It is intended to help…

In this interview, Morry Morgan talks with Vumero General Manager, and the creator of the IoT Festival, Thomas Alomes. The…

McAfee Labs Advanced Threat Research team announced the discovery of a code execution vulnerability using the default settings for Windows…