Australia’s Department of Home Affairs is accepting applications for grants to participate in the Labelling Scheme for Smart Devices program. The program will contribute towards building cyber security protections for consumers under the 2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy and Horizon 1 Action Plan.
The objectives of the program are to:
- Co-design and implement an industry-led and internationally aligned voluntary labelling scheme for consumer-grade smart devices in Australia; and
- Increase consumer awareness of the Government’s proposed mandatory minimum standard for consumer-grade smart devices in Australia.
- Increased consumer understanding and awareness of the security of products available in the Australian market;
- Enable consumers to make informed decisions about the level of security when purchasing smart devices;
- Align the Australian smart device market more closely with international best practices; and
- Greater adoption of security and privacy protections (secure-by-design features) by manufacturers of smart devices.
The program will fund one eligible applicant up to a maximum of AUD1.7 million.
The program will run over 3 years from 2024-25 to 2026-27, with funding available over two years from 2024-25.
Interested applicants must have an Australian business number, be registered for the goods and services tax, and have an account with an Australian financial institution. Further, the department will only accept applications from an Internet of Things (IoT) peak body as defined in section 14 of the grant opportunity guidelines, which can provide evidence of support from the board, CEO, or equivalent.
Applications close on March 13, 2025.