ATSE Welcomes AI Safety Guidelines


The Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) has welcomed the release of proposals to implement mandatory artificial intelligence guardrails for high-risk AI applications as an important first step in creating a safe and responsible AI ecosystem in Australia.

ATSE says this week’s release of the voluntary AI safety standards, which provide guidance to AI developers and users while the guardrails are legislated, is also a prudent step. ATSE supports the guardrails and standards and the principles proposed by the government for determining whether an AI system is high-risk.

The regulatory mechanism for determining which AI systems are deemed high-risk and subject to the proposed mandatory guardrails is still undergoing consultation. ATSE says this mechanism must be clear and accountable to ensure that high-risk systems don’t slip through the gaps.

“Greater adoption of AI could see Australia’s economy increase by AUD200 billion annually, but it it is critical that robust measures are rapidly implemented to safeguard these areas and position Australia at the forefront of AI development,” said ATSE CEO Kylie Walker. “This is Australia’s AI moment. Ultimately, these proposals will help Australia lead both technological and regulatory innovation in AI, setting a global standard for responsible and effective AI development and deployment.”

“Investing further in local AI innovations will simultaneously create new AI industries and jobs here in Australia and reduce our reliance on internationally developed and maintained systems,” added Walker. “Local AI industries will also give the Australian Government greater ability to regulate AI development in line with Australian community values and expectations.”

ATSE thanked the Artificial Intelligence Expert Group, including its Fellow Professor Bronwyn Fox, for their work. The academy says it is committed to working with the government and Australia’s AI stakeholders to ensure the country harnesses AI’s transformative potential while maintaining the highest safety, responsibility, and innovation standards.
