Selecting communications tools that enable remote work but also ensure security


Rob Malkin,
VP of APAC Sales, Lifesize

As trends surrounding remote work and flexible schedules proliferate, so too does the multitude of tools that enable teams to connect and collaborate wherever they are. Video conferencing, which has been around in some (now seemingly archaic) form or fashion for the majority of the current generation’s professional careers, plays an increasingly pivotal role in making those connections more personal and that collaboration more productive. In fact, according to a recent survey we conducted of more than 1300 full-time professionals, 43% use video conferencing to work remotely or from home and an equivalent 43% use video to improve team productivity when in different locations. Those numbers will only increase as more remote and flexible work occurs.

In parallel, another trend that will see rapid acceleration is the use of personal mobile devices for remote participation in that video communication. All those employees, devices and communication tools radiating out to all corners of the globe may be a boon for the workers themselves, but it can produce a nightmare management scenario for IT organizations.

Especially when distributed teams are left to their own devices (figuratively, this time) to figure out the best way to meet and collaborate, they end up making decisions and procuring tools that are well outside of IT’s field of view, potentially opening up the organization to a host of security implications, uncertainties and concerns. As my colleague Michael Helmbrecht astutely observed, “In many respects, communication services represent the ‘last mile’ in information security.”…Click here to read full article.
