McAfee reveals cybersecurity skills gap and c-suite accountability


Launching at its MPOWER APAC event held in Sydney on the 30th of October, McAfee has released two local research reports exploring c-suite accountability, communication and perceptions regarding cybersecurity responsibility, as well as Australia’s cybersecurity skills gap.

Cyber Responsibility Report highlights:

  • 67% of respondents believe that CEOs should be held accountable for cyber risk.
  • 28% of CIOs and CISOs said their Chief Risk Officer (CRO) was responsible for briefing the board about cyber risk, but only 9% said the CRO should be the one doing briefings.
  • 13% of respondents believe that threat detection should be communicated to the top level of organisations.

Cybersecurity Talent Study highlights:

  • One-quarter of Australian cyber security professionals are female, compared to 11% globally.
  • 78% of cyber security professionals believe there is a skills shortage in cybersecurity, 63% cannot identify what skills are missing.
  • 73% of cyber security workers claim to need additional skills to perform better.
  • 57% of managers have trouble finding staff, 62% highlight this as a problem.
  • 49% don’t even know what skills they need.
  • 27% of IT workers have no clear concept of what makes a good cybersecurity professional.

Links to the media alerts and reports can be found below:
