NIST has released a draft cybersecurity white paper, Internet of Things (IoT) Trust Concerns, which identifies seventeen technical trust-related issues that may negatively impact the adoption of IoT products and services. The paper offers recommendations for mitigating or reducing the effects of these concerns while also suggesting additional areas of research regarding the subject of “IoT trust.” This document is intended for a general information technology audience, including managers, supervisors, technical staff, and those involved in IoT policy decisions, governance, and procurement. Feedback from reviewers is requested on the seventeen technical concerns that are presented, as well as suggestions for other potential technical concerns that may be missing from the document.
A public comment period for this draft document is open until November 16, 2018.
[The content in this white paper was originally released on 9/17/18 as Draft NISTIR 8222, which was temporarily withdrawn to synchronize with other pending documents on this topic.]
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