Episode 65 – Technology, Lone Wolves & Middle East / UN insights – Nick Kaldas, fmr NSW Police Deputy Commissioner


Chris Cubbage with Nick Kaldas

Whilst in Sydney presenting to the 2nd Annual Security, Safety & Counter Terrorism Forum, former NSW Police Deputy Commissioner Nick Kaldas gave insight into his current role as Director of Internal Oversight at the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), covering Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Gaza and the West Bank. Nick is responsible for audits and investigations on behalf of the agency, as well as ethics, compliance and evaluation programs, all while operating within war and conflict zones.

Nick provides specialised insight into the motivations and methodologies of lone wolves, the link to the use of technology and his observations about the application of technology, such as facial recognition, across the world and Middle East region.

Recorded May 1, 2018 at the 2nd Annual Security, Safety & Counter Terrorism Forum, Sydney.
