Organizations are continuously trying to secure and protect their businesses against cyber-attacks that disrupt the business causing data loss, data poisoning, service disruptions, ransomware or financial fraud.
Insider threats and privilege abuse have been a major risk to all governments and organizations around the world for many years. High profile examples are numerous; Nick Leeson and the collapse of Barings bank, Jeffrey Skilling the former Enron President, to the more recent intelligence leaks from Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden that disclosed sensitive information that was damaging to the security and reputation of the United States.
This is a classic reminder of how powerful and impactful a trusted insider can become because they have elevated privileges and are therefore able to leak sensitive data undetected including sales projections, customer data or intellectual property. In some cases, employees who have left the organization still have active credentials, often for months after walking out the door. For a disgruntled employee, it is then easy to return to cause sometimes significant financial damage or steal confidential information.
Privileged Accounts are some of the most sensitive accounts within an organization and sometimes referred to as “The Keys to the Kingdom.” They are the keys that unlock access to move around companies’ networks, systems and access to confidential and sensitive data.
Step 1. Educate employees on the risks and responsibilities of Privileged Accounts
Providing cybersecurity awareness training to those who will be using and are accountable for privileged accounts: Your training should emphasize the critical importance of privileged account security and include IT security policies specific to your organization. Make sure you get buy-in and support from your executive team by educating them as well…Click HERE to read full article.